Fulfilling the Call

Fulfilling the Call Handbook

Disclaimer: Since Fulfilling the Call was released ten years ago, we have learned much about sizeism, neurodivergence, and ableism. We recognize that some of the language reflects prejudice and bias that should not be a part of a ministerial evaluation. Therefore, we discourage using the performance area “Attends to one’s well-being” in Duty 7 as a means of evaluation until an update to Fulfilling the Call is developed. We are grateful to the colleagues who alerted us and apologize for the harm experienced.

Available To UUMA Members Online

The product of eighteen months of partnership between the UUA, UUMA and consultants from the Education Development Center is now available for seminarians, ministers and congregations.  Fulfilling the Call: A Model for Unitarian Universalist Ministry in the 21st Century is a resource that provides a framework for assessing the tasks and duties of ministry today and in the future. The handbook identifies the skills, knowledge and behaviors that ensure effective ministry and we hope it will become a trusted companion navigating the myriad of ever evolving and demanding responsibilities of ministry.